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Line Following Robot

Blaize15's github profile

A robot which follows a dark colored line with the help of sensors.


Akash-Tandale001's github profile

Analyzed and developed an E-commerce application with 1000+ products in different categories such as Entertainment, Mobile, Laptops,etc. With payment feature integrated through Stripe payment.


sangdeepganvir's github profile

HuffmanCompressor is a project that implements the Huffman coding algorithm for data compression, resulting in efficient storage and transmission of information. It provides a streamlined solution for reducing the size of files while preserving their content.

Markdown Previewer

juanPabloDiaz's github profile

Responsive web application that allows users to write and preview markdown syntax in real-time


hritikd3's github profile

CocktailDB is a web application that allows users to explore a vast collection of cocktails, along with their prices, ingredients, and details


Siddhant-Patil0203's github profile

We bridge the physical gap between a tailor and the customers through our platform. Providing customers a choice of the tailors and the tailors with an increased reach for customers.


Soumyajit2825's github profile

A simple fan made web-page of LIONEL MESSI


coderhersh's github profile

Pinax is a landing page made in Angular and tailwindcss.

Restaurant Website

govardhan-26's github profile

A visually appealing and well-designed Website for a Restaurant which has the Menu, Contact Details of the Restaurant and also a Booking Option for customers.


raghav1482's github profile

It is a reactjs based text managing app which provide various function to process upon a text , like text copy , remove extra spaces , convert ot binnary etc.